Saturday, December 13, 2008

You Know You're a WAHM When...

You have to paint over your son's artwork that he so lovingly created on your wall!!
- I was working upstairs on my biz when my son came up the stairs and said, "mommy, see me."
(translation: come with me so I can show you something)
He took my hand and escorted me to the bottom of the stairs- He had a HUGE smile on his face when he pointed to his drawing on the wall. I could hardly get angry, because his facial expression was priceless- it was as if he was giving me the drawing as a gift.
Oh, the JOYS we have in life--I wouldn't trade them for the world!

1 comment:

The Hyde's said...

WOW! I'm impressed by his art work. It's crazy and maybe I shouldn't say this...that's never happened to me. YIKES...I'll wait for that day.